var _m_mark = '$';var _pi = 'Prompt information';var _ok = 'Confirm';var _close = 'Close';var _cancel = 'Cancel';var _success = 'Success!';var _regain = '(s)Retrieve';var _regain_code = 'Retrieve code';var _confirm_delete = 'Make sure to delete the selected items';var _confirm_del = 'Sure delete?';var _select_del = 'Please select the deleted items';var _del_fail = 'Delete failed';var _clear_outstock = 'Clear the goods sold out?';var _no_outstock = 'No goods sold out';var _fav_ok = 'Successful collection!';var _select_buy = 'Please choose the goods you want to buy';var _join_ok = 'Join the cart success';var _retract_addr = 'Retract Address';var _more_addr = 'More Address';var _rece_info = 'Receiving information:';var _rece_name = 'Consignee:';var _new_addr = 'New address';var _edit_addr = 'Edit address';var _not_sale = 'The area is temporarily closed';var _man = 'More than';var _use = 'available';var _expiry = 'Valid until';var _no_coupon = 'No Coupon available';var _creat_load = 'Loading...';var _illegal = 'Illegal operation';var _select_addr = 'Please select the delivery address';var _select_payment = 'Please choose payment method';var _select_ps = 'Please select delivery mode';var _input_invoice_header = 'Please enter your invoice';var _invoice_header_length = 'Invoice no more than 20 characters';var _select_invoice_msg = 'Please select invoice content';var _creat_order = 'Create order';var _submit_order = 'Submit order';var _selected = 'Please select';var _input_buyer_name = 'Please fill in the consignee name';var _name_length = 'Your name must not be greater than 25';var _name_error = 'The name contains illegal characters';var _select_area = 'Please choose your location';var _input_mobile = 'Please fill in your phone number';var _mobile_error = 'Mobile number format error';var _input_addr = 'Please fill in the details';var _addr_length = 'The address is too long';var _addr_error = 'The detailed address contains illegal characters';var _complete_payment = 'Complete payment';var _return_payment = 'Return to select other payment methods';var _pay_content = 'Please complete the payment?
if no, please pay the operation in the new
open the payment page if you encounter problems, please contact customer service personnel';var _pay_fail = 'Payment failed or unconfirmed!
failed to receive from the bank successful payment notice
if you confirm payment success in Internet banking, please contact customer service online.
if your payment is confirmed, payment orders will be completed.';var _got_it = 'I Know';var _comment_msg = 'Please enter comment content';var _cancel_order = 'Do you confirm the cancellation of the order?
The order will not be recovered after successful cancellation';var _addr_more = 'You can create up to 20 receive addresses';var _edit_pwd = 'Modify password';var _input_old_pwd = 'Please enter the original password';var _pwd_length = 'Password length is 6-20 characters';var _pwd_error = 'Password contains illegal characters';var _pwd_not_same = 'The two password is different';var _edit_ok = 'Modify success!';var _bind_mail = 'Bind E-mail address';var _mail_error = 'Mail format error';var _input_vcode = 'Please enter verify code';var _bind_mobile = 'Bind mobile number';var _select_server_type = 'Please select service type';var _skuid_error = 'SkuID error';var _orderid_error = 'Order ID error';var _money_error = 'Wrong refund amount';var _msg_length = 'Description is limited to 3-500 characters';var _server_type_error = 'Type error';var _confirm_receipt = 'Confirm after receipt of the goods';